Pretty Deadly: A Penny Dreadful Review
The Wild
West is an excellent setting for a showdown of supernatural proportions. The
sweeping landscapes lend themselves well to titanic struggles. The creators of Pretty Deadly, from Image comics, understand
this well. I’ve read this comic twice through, and I still haven’t grasped
everything that is going on, but the images stick with me, like a stubborn dream.
Pretty Deadly is surreal. It’s
morbid. It’s gorgeous.
daughter roams the land in a tale told by a rabbit skeleton to a butterfly.
Death’s agents pursue a young girl and her blind guardian across an epic,
sparse desert landscape.
The script by Kelly Sue Deconnick
reads like a folk tale. The art by Emma Rios has an eerie, flowing quality. The
colors by Jordie Bellaire have an almost sepia tone, giving this strange work a
mythological feel, as if the events within are a well-loved tale that happened
long ago, when it is in fact only a couple of years old.
I give this
strange and eerie comic four gears out of five. It is beautiful and harsh, and
definitely something to seek out.
Your Correspondent From The Bookstore,
Penny J. Merriweather